Exam Results 2014

01 Aug 2014

Year 13 and Year 11 Exam Results for 2014.

Every year ISC collects information about exam performance from member schools in the week following publication of results. Although ISC does not produce or endorse "school league tables" this information is used by the press to produce their independent school tables. After the original collection, many schools will update their results following re-marks and appeals. This information is incorporated into our tables, which are republished several times in the months after first publication.

Exam Results 2014

  • 19.2% of A-level entries from pupils at ISC schools were awarded A* (up from 18.0% in 2013); nationally 8.2% of grades were awarded an A* (7.6% in 2013).
  • 7.1% of candidates at ISC schools were awarded 3 or more A* grades (or D2 grades or better at Pre-U).

  • 50.5% of A-level entries from pupils at ISC schools were awarded either A* or A (down slightly from 51.3%); nationally 26.0% of entries were awarded an A* or A (down from 26.3%).

  • 32.7% of all GCSE and IGCSE entries received the A* grade, up from 32.0% last year (national average 6.7%, down from 6.8% in 2013).

  • 60.6% of GCSE and IGCSE entries were graded A* or A, up from 60.4% in 2013 (national average 21.3%, unchanged from 2013).

Between 2013 and 2014 there was an 18% rise in the number of IGCSE entries from pupils at ISC schools. In 2014 38.9% of the exams taken by Year 11 pupils at ISC schools were for IGCSEs rather than GCSEs.

Year 11 GCSE and IGCSE

2014 Exam Results Year 11 GCSE and IGCSE Boys and Girls (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 A Level Boys and Girls

2014 Exam Results Year 13 A Level Boys and Girls (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 A Level Boys

2014 Exam Results Year 13 A Level Boys (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 A Level Girls

2014 Exam Results Year 13 A Level Girls (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 IB Boys and Girls

2014 Exam Results Year 13 IB Boys and Girls (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 IB Boys

2014 Exam Results Year 13 IB Boys (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 IB Girls

2014 Exam Results Year 13 IB Girls (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 Pre-U Boys and Girls

2014 Exam Results Year 13 Pre-U Boys and Girls (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 Pre-U Boys

2014 Exam Results Year 13 Pre-U Boys (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 Pre-U Girls

2014 Exam Results Year 13 Pre-U Girls (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 Extended Project Boys and Girls

2014 Exam Results Year 13 Extended Project Boys and Girls (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 Extended Project Boys

2014 Exam Results Year 13 Extended Project Boys (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 Extended Project Girls

2014 Exam Results Year 13 Extended Project Girls (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 BTEC Boys and Girls

2014 Exam Results Year 13 BTEC Boys and Girls (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 BTEC Boys

2014 Exam Results Year 13 BTEC Boys (updated 22/10/2014)


Year 13 BTEC Girls

2014 Exam Results Year 13 BTEC Girls (updated 22/10/2014)
