Year 11 exam results reveal independent school pupils’ success

Posted on: 31 Aug 2019

Independent schools have recorded a rise in the proportion of Year 11 exam entries awarded a grade 9, according to new research published by the Independent Schools Council (ISC).

At a time of significant exam reform, this year’s ISC Year 11 exam results data – a like-for-like comparison of the 512 schools that submitted results in both 2018 and 2019 – reveal: • 23.1% of entries achieved a grade 9 - more than fi¬ve times the national average • 95.6% of entries received a C/4 grade or higher, compared to 67.3% nationally and up 0.1% compared to last year • 74.4% of candidates achieved at least one grade 9/8/A* • The average number of GCSEs taken per candidate is 9.4 • More than half (54.7%) of all entries were for GCSE exams. IGCSEs made up 45.3% of entries - down from 47.0% last year.

Barnaby Lenon, chairman of ISC, said: “Independent school pupils and their teachers should feel incredibly proud of their achievements, especially in light of the significant exam reforms that have taken place – the impact of which is still being felt by many schools regardless of sector.

“It is very impressive to see such a high proportion of entries awarded a grade 9. Additionally, and given many independent schools are not academically selective, the fact nearly every exam entry was passed (C/4 or higher) is noteworthy.

“Our schools are committed to providing a broad education and offering extra-curricular activities, all with a view to enabling every child to find the right path so they can fulfil their potential.”

The ISC’s exam results analysis, which looked at 350,937 entries from 37,389 candidates, is based on provisional data and is subject to change due to appeals and reviews of results.

Year 11 exam results in full.