Chief Executive Officer, Independent Schools Council (ISC)

Julie Robinson was head of Ardingly College Junior School and then Vinehall Prep School in Sussex before becoming education and training director for the Independent Association of Preparatory Schools (IAPS). At IAPS, she served on the Standing Group of Teachers Associations and the Independent Schools Examination Board. Julie also chaired the Independent Schools Council’s Cross Association Leadership Group. In 2015, Julie became General Secretary of the Independent Schools Council (ISC), representing schools across the independent education sector. She serves on the School Partnerships Oversight Board for the Department for Education promoting independent-state school partnership work. Julie liaises with influencers in education across schools, government and the media, serving the interests of ISC constituent associations and member schools.

The ISC provides authoritative sector-wide research and data collection through the annual ISC Census and other surveys. ISC is a coordinating body which brings together AGBIS, GSA, HMC, ISA, IAPS, ISBA and the Society of Heads along with affiliates BSA, COBIS, SCIS and WISC in order to promote the sector and protect joint interests.