King's High School is an independent day school for girls aged 11 - 18. From its beginning in 1879 it has been a forward looking, friendly school which is proud of its reputation for both academic success and the personal development of its girls. The winning formula of hard work and lots of fun has produced consistently good performances with the school regularly appearing in the top 100 schools.
Head's name:
Dr Stephen Burley (Head Master)
ISC associations: GSA, ISBA, HMC, ISA
Religious affiliation: Interdenominational
Day/boarding type: Day, Weekly/Flexible Boarding and Full Boarding
Gender profile: Girls only
Size: 827
Boarding fees per term:
to £13,314
Day fees per term:
Scholarships & bursaries:
ISC reference number:
DfE reference number:
937 / 6089
Girls - age range & pupil numbers:
Day: 11 to 18 (819)
Boarding: 0 to 0 (8)
Sixth Form: (201)
Disclaimer: Data is provided by the school, ISC is not responsible for inaccuracies