Newton Prep is a selective school for boys and girls aged 3-13 years. Newton champions high-quality teaching and learning; the four-form entry caters for a range of ability levels including highly-able pupils. The school's large site and excellent facilities for sport, music, drama and art provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their wider talents around a core of rigorous academic study.
Head's name:
Mrs Alison Fleming (Head)
Religious affiliation: Non-denominational
Day/boarding type: Day
Gender profile: Coeducational
Size: 656
Day fees per term:
to £7,980
Scholarships & bursaries:
ISC reference number:
DfE reference number:
212 / 6385
Boys - age range & pupil numbers:
Day: 3 to 13 (351)
Girls - age range & pupil numbers:
Day: 3 to 13 (305)
Newton Prep was founded in 1991. It is an inclusive community with children from a diverse range of backgrounds and cultures. Today there are over 640 boys and girls in the School and at any one time about 12 pupils receive financial assistance from the Newton Bursary Fund (the “Fund”), some of whom pay fees of no more than £100 per year.
Since its foundation, the School’s Chairman and Head have been committed to broadening access to the School by offering eligible parents means-tested, financial assistance with the payment of school fees. Such financial assistance is known as a bursary. A bursary is a reduction of fees of up to 99%. The level of bursary award depends on the financial, compassionate or other relevant circumstances of the applicants.
Bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Trustees of the Newton Bursary Fund, which was established as a registered charity (no. 1013843) in 1991. The Trustees (described in more detail below) will calculate an initial award level in relation to a family's financial and other circumstances (e.g. their savings, investments and realisable assets, as well as their income, the size of their family, any other dependents and like factors). Bursaries are subject to an annual review of parental means; and in subsequent years, awards may be varied upwards or downwards, depending on changes to a particular family's circumstances. In order to be considered for a bursary, a child must have done well in the School’s academic assessments, usually achieving scores that would place them in the top half of the relevant year group at Newton Prep.
The Fund is fortunate to have significant funds, designated to widen access to the School, and to date it has been able to satisfy all applications for bursary support from parents of children accepted by the School. Bursaries are available to children entering the Upper School i.e. Years 3 to 8. Bursaries awarded in Years 3, 4 and 5 are valid until the end of Year 6. The awards will be reviewed for pupils who plan to stay at Newton Prep for Years 7 and 8; bursarial assistance may continue into Years 7 and 8 provided the conditions stipulated by the Newton Bursary Fund are met. Bursaries awarded in Year 7 are valid for two years, until the end of Year 8.
Requests for a bursary usually fall into two categories:
Information about Bursaries
Information for prospective parents about the possibility of gaining means-tested financial support with the payment of the School’s fees is included in the School's Admissions Policy and on the School's website. Further information may also be obtained from parent tours and from:
The Bursary Application Process
Children must be applying to join the School for a place in any year from 3 to 8 inclusive. Parents may register their child at any time up to 9th September of the year before entry.
For those late to the registration process, we operate a waiting list system.
Late applications will reduce the likelihood of an award being made.
To register your child for admission to Newton Prep via a bursary, please complete the Admissions Registration Form on the School’s website:
The form should annotated to show it is for a bursary place.
For more information about registration and bursaries, please contact the Head of Admissions.
Bursaries are awarded at the discretion of the Trustees of the Newton Bursary Fund, the chair of whom is a past parent and who include the Head, Chairman of the School Council, Co-Chair of the PTA (a current parent), a past pupil and a past parent. As Clerk to the Fund’s Trustees, the Bursar is responsible for the management and coordination of the process by which bursary applications are considered.
Prospective parents should not assume that an initial bursary award will continue throughout their child's time at Newton as parental means are subject to annual review. However, where there are no notable changes in financial circumstances, parents can assume that the level of award will not change greatly from year to year.
The Case for Assistance
The Fund’s Trustees consider a number of factors when making the decision about whether to make a bursary award.
The level of the bursary required is not influenced by the academic ability of the child but by the extent of financial need. Each case is assessed on its own merits and the Bursar recommends the level of award required to enable the child to come to the School. The Trustees have a duty to ensure that the Fund’s charitable monies are allocated appropriately. As well as current earnings and expenditure, other factors which will be considered in determining the level of award required will include:
Awards of financial assistance to one child do not necessarily guarantee awards to siblings already in the School or subsequently admitted to the School. The Fund’s Trustees are sympathetic to changes in family circumstances arising from illness or bereavement but any application submitted for these reasons is means-tested in the same way as any other award.
Having established financial need, the Trustees then have to allocate the bursary funds available among the applicants. The Trustees will make awards that enable children to come to Newton Prep, rather than dividing the funds available between the applicants and expecting parents to fund the shortfall.
Change in Family/Financial Circumstances
Parents with a child at the School who experience an unexpected change in their family or financial circumstances after the point of entry may apply for a bursary explaining their situation (also see the School’s Hardship Policy). Parents will be required to complete a Bursary Application Form. All applications will be dealt with in exactly the same manner as set out in the Bursary Application Process. Parents requiring financial assistance with the payment of school fees should in the first instance request a meeting with the Head and Bursar to discuss the issues. The Head’s PA will arrange the meeting. Please email her at or call 020 7720 4091 extension 1203.
The Fund’s Trustees are unlikely to take a sympathetic view of applications received in respect of a child already at the School where it becomes apparent that fees could never have been afforded and no previous bursary application has been submitted.
Bursary awards are reviewed in the Autumn term each year. Current bursary holders will be asked to provide an update on their financial circumstances. Awards may be varied upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstances. Parents can assume that an award will not change greatly from year to year unless there has been a significant change in their finances.
The Fund’s Trustees also have the discretion to withdraw an award not only where a child's progress, attitude or behaviour has been unsatisfactory but also where the parents have failed to notify the school of a significant improvement in their financial circumstances.
The School and the Fund’s Trustees respect the confidentiality of bursary awards made to families; recipients are expected to do likewise.
The Fund’s Trustees require a formal visit to be made to the family homes of all applicants for bursary assistance before the initial offer of financial support can be made. There are several reasons for this policy:
First, it gives the Trustees the opportunity to discuss all the various papers that have been sent to you in relation to your application for financial support in informal and relaxed surroundings so that you understand the system thoroughly. Bursary holders are important to the school. The commitment and support of the pupil’s family is very important to the Trustees and the School.
The Trustees need to make sure that both parents and/or carers understand how the means-testing system works. Every school is different, and at Newton Prep, we want you to understand exactly what contributions you may be required to make on top of your child’s bursary. School fees historically increase at a faster rate than inflation. Can you afford realistically your contribution over the next 7 years?
Papers can be checked and additional ones found relatively easily.
Trustees can ask you additional questions based upon your family’s circumstances.
Importantly, the information presented on paper can be seen in its proper context.
There is an opportunity to re-assure you, as parents, that the process of allocating financial support will be entirely confidential – known only by the Head, the Deputy Head in charge of senior school transfer (who will need to be aware of children who will require a bursary-funded secondary school place), the Bursar and the Fund’s Trustees. The teaching staff does not know which pupils receive bursaries.
The limitations to the Fund’s financial support can be explained. For example, the support for school trips given to 100% bursary holders (which may be subject to an annual cap) is restricted to trips with genuine educational value, such a Geography field trips and language exchanges, as opposed to a ski trip. Many families of bursary holders are surprised to be told that parents who pay the full fees may well limit their child’s take-up of expensive foreign trips.
The Fund’s Trustees will ask you if you have also applied for grants from outside trusts or bodies. Any support from a third party will be taken into account in calculating the level of our support.
The home visit is concerned solely with the circumstances of the parents or carers. There is no need for your child to become involved; indeed, it is best if they are not present.
Disclaimer: Data is provided by the school, ISC is not responsible for inaccuracies