King's School, Rochester, is an HMC, IAPS, CSA and ESHA Independent Day School for boys and girls from the ages of 3 to 18 with boarding for boys and girls aged 11 to 18.
Head's name:
Mr Ben Charles (Principal)
ISC associations: HMC, IAPS, AGBIS, ISBA
Religious affiliation: Church of England
Day/boarding type: Day, Weekly/Flexible Boarding and Full Boarding
Gender profile: Coeducational
Size: 672
Boarding fees per term:
to £13,505
Day fees per term:
to £8,155
Scholarships & bursaries:
ISC reference number:
DfE reference number:
887 / 6000
Boys - age range & pupil numbers:
Day: 3 to 18 (377)
Boarding: 11 to 18 (19)
Sixth Form: (66)
Girls - age range & pupil numbers:
Day: 3 to 18 (269)
Boarding: 11 to 18 (7)
Sixth Form: (41)
Needs currently supported:
Specific Learning Difficulties (primarily Dyslexia);
Speech, Language and Communication Needs (primarily Developmental Language Disorder);
Autism Spectrum Conditions;
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Needs (primarily ADHD).
Interventions: Some in-class support for pupils up to Year 6 (e.g. during Maths and English lessons). Throughout the school, one-to-one and small-group support outside the classroom (in addition to subject lessons), as required and tailored to individual needs. Examples of areas we support are: literacy, comprehension, behaviour, organisation, study skills. We also subscribe to Dyslexia Gold, an online support programme for dyslexic pupils, and run before-school sessions for pupils to work on this.
Mental health: The school counsellor is the first port of call for pupils seeking mental health support, along with pastoral staff. While the counsellor is separate from the Learning Support Department, we do recognise that pupils with SEND may be particularly vulnerable to mental health issues and the Learning Support department liaises closely with the counsellor and pastoral leads to ensure a joined-up approach to support.
Scholarships and bursaries are offered in both the Preparatory School and Senior School.
At King’s School Rochester, we believe that being talented and motivated is something to be proud of. As a result, scholarships for pupils with a proven talent in Sport, Music, Drama, Art or Academic Attainment are available to internal and external pupils entering Year 7, Year 9 and Year 12.
Honorary scholarships may be awarded to pupils of other ages (but not younger than 8 years old) in recognition of significant levels of achievement. Once the pupil reaches the year groups stated above, he/she will be considered for a scholarship with fees remission.
Bursaries offer means-tested financial support to pupils who otherwise would be unable to attend King’s School Rochester. They may be offered in addition to the award of a scholarship to increase the value of the award.
Assistance with Fees for New Pupils at the School
All candidates being offered a Scholarship Award are eligible for an additional means-tested bursary. In exceptional circumstances, the School may consider means-tested bursarial support for new pupils who do not fit the scholarship criteria.
The School has charitable status and the Governors wish to ensure the limited available funds are used to support parents who otherwise would not be able to send their child to King’s School Rochester. Therefore, any such award is based not only on the candidate’s performance in the entrance assessment but also on an annual declaration of income and assets, consideration of the benefit to the child of an education at King’s and also the likely positive contribution to School life that the child will make during their time here.
Assistance with Fees for Current Parents
Financial assistance may be awarded to existing pupils where a change in parents’/guardians’ circumstances results in difficulty in meeting tuition fees. The financial assistance is subject to careful consideration and assessment and, once granted, is means-tested annually.
Clergy Remission
Children of Church of England Ministers, and priests of a church in communion with the Church of England, are given a means-tested reduction in fees.
Service Personnel Remission
King’s School Rochester operates within the MoD Scheme for Continuity of Education Allowance for boarding school pupils. Day places are also eligible for a Service remission which is calculated by means-testing.
Sibling Remission
Where parents have three or more children at the School, a reduction for each after the second child is given, amounting to 10% of the third child’s fees, 20% for the fourth child and 40% for the fifth and subsequent children.
Conditions Of Scholarships & Bursaries
Parents will be required to repay all or part of the benefits they have received under the awards explained in the above information in any of the following circumstances:
• Up to three terms benefits (if received) if the pupil has engaged in serious misconduct or has been expelled or removed for reasons of misconduct by requirement of the Principal acting in good faith
• Up to three terms benefits (if received) where the pupil has been withdrawn for any reason
For more information, please contact the Bursar on 01634 888588 or email
Disclaimer: Data is provided by the school, ISC is not responsible for inaccuracies