Derby Grammar School

Derby Grammar School is Derbyshire’s leading independent day school for girls and boys aged 4 to 18. Three principles lie at our core: excellent teaching, incredible opportunities, and a supportive, friendly atmosphere. These are the things that make us special. And they are the reasons our pupils come into school each day with a smile, each day with a smile, eager to learn and expand their minds. We strive to ‘bring education to life’.

Rykneld Hall
Rykneld Road
DE23 4BX

+44 (0)1332 523027

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ISC associations: ISA, AGBIS, ISBA, The Society of Heads

Religious affiliation: All Faiths

Day/boarding type: Day

Gender profile: Coeducational

Size: 214

Derby Grammar School fees:

Day fees per term:
£3,025 to £5,500

Scholarships & bursaries:

ISC reference number:

DfE reference number:
831 / 6004

Boys - age range & pupil numbers:

Day: 4 to 18 (197)

Sixth Form: (31)

Girls - age range & pupil numbers:

Day: 4 to 18 (17)

Sixth Form: (2)

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We believe it’s important to acknowledge those pupils who excel in academia, sports or music and award accordingly. We offer scholarships to pupils aged 11 and above.

Our bursary scheme promotes accessibility and entry for pupils from all backgrounds. Bursaries are means-tested and provide financial assistance toward the cost of fees. They are available to pupils in the Senior School and Sixth Form. We also offer them to pupils in the Junior School, for very exceptional cases.

Bursary support with school fees

Derby Grammar School is committed to broadening access by offering eligible parents and guardians means-tested financial support with school fees. The school offers a number of bursaries which are means-tested. These are available for new entrants to the school coming in at different entrance points across the school and are mostly awarded at entry into Year 7 and sixth form. These awards vary from 10% to 100% of the tuition fees. Some pupils may be awarded a scholarship and a bursary.

Derby Grammar School has limited bursarial funds to provide short-term assistance to current parents where there has been an unforeseen change in financial circumstances. Such awards are subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed. For information on this for existing pupils please contact the school directly.

To apply for a means-tested bursary for new entrants you will need to complete and return our bursary application form by 29 November 2019, for entry in September 2020. The form is available from the Registrar at the point of registering. The prospective pupil will need to attend school for entrance assessments and an interview. Pupils will be notified as to whether they have been allocated a bursary in writing.

All bursary applications are subject to annual means-testing and may be varied upwards or downwards depending on parental circumstances and financial information provided on review.


Derby Grammar School offers scholarships and exhibitions to pupils who have shown particular academic aptitude or talent, including in art, music, drama and the sciences.  The percentage of fee remission for a scholarship is usually a maximum of 10% of fees and 5% for an exhibition. The main entry points for scholarships is Year 7 and sixth form. Scholarships can also be awarded at other entry points into the Senior School.

Year 7 scholarships

We award scholarships to pupils entering the school at Year 7 as well as to those moving up from Year 6. All pupils will be interviewed as part of the assessment. Successful pupils will be notified in their offer letters. Scholarships are usually tenable throughout a student’s time at the school. Parents are asked to indicate on the registration form which scholarships they are interested in applying for.

Derby Grammar School offers the following scholarships in Year 7:






Creative Arts, including DT, art or drama.

Senior School scholarships

We award scholarships to pupils in Years 8, 9 and 10 who demonstrate exceptional ability in their assessments or trials, and who we believe will contribute markedly to the life of the school. Successful pupils will be notified in their offer letters. Scholarships are usually tenable throughout a student’s time at the school. Scholarships in Year 10 in a named subject, such as music, will usually be studied as a GCSE to be eligible for the award.

Derby Grammar School offers the following scholarships:






Creative Arts, including DT, art or drama.

Sixth form scholarships

Sixth form academic scholarships are available to both current pupils and external applicants. Drama scholarships can be applied for as well as a limited number of sports and music scholarships. STEM scholarships are available in DT, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Maths and/or Computer Science.

Sixth form scholarships are awarded at the head’s discretion, to the most-able candidates or to those who show considerable potential. Awards are conditional on agreed performance at GCSE. Named subject scholarships must be studied at A Level.


Derby Grammar School offers a minor scholarship, called an Exhibition, in any area, at the discretion of the Head.

Assessment dates for 2020 intake

Closing date for entries: November 2019
Sixth form entrance and scholarship exams: 10 December 2019
Year 7 entrance and scholarship exams: 5 December 2019

Scholarships & Bursaries offered

  • Academic scholarships
  • All Rounder awards
  • Art scholarships
  • Choral scholarships
  • Design scholarships
  • Drama scholarships
  • Music scholarships
  • Science/Technology scholarships
  • Sport scholarships
  • Sixth Form scholarships
  • Sibling discounts
  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils

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