Renowned for being an 'excellent' school (ISI 2021), Alderley Edge School for Girls provides a first class, well-balanced education which celebrates achievement in all aspects of school life, from nursery to Sixth Form. Our approach is based on respect for hard work across a wide range of subjects, whilst developing the confidence and life skills of our girls to support them in the wider world.
Head's name:
Mrs Nicola Smillie (Headmistress)
ISC associations: GSA, AGBIS, ISBA, ISA
Religious affiliation: Ecumenical
Day/boarding type: Day
Gender profile: Girls only
Size: 447
Day fees per term:
to £5,307
Scholarships & bursaries:
ISC reference number:
DfE reference number:
895 / 6012
Girls - age range & pupil numbers:
Day: 2 to 18 (447)
Sixth Form: (60)
At Alderley Edge School for Girls we are proud to offer a range of scholarships for exceptional students joining our Year 7 and Year 12.
Academic Scholarships are available as well as Non-Academic scholarships for Art, Performing Arts (including Dance), Music and Sport.
Students who wish to apply for a scholarship should email to request our scholarship application form.
Disclaimer: Data is provided by the school, ISC is not responsible for inaccuracies