Victoria College

Victoria College has Royal connections dating back to 1852. It is a selective boys' day school, has a thriving Sixth Form with focussed A level teaching groups and academic excellence featuring in the top 5% of schools nationally. It has a nationally acclaimed Combined Cadet Force, a purpose built sports complex with wide ranging opportunities for boys in Music, Drama and Art.

Le Mont Millais
St Helier
Channel Islands

+44 (0)1534 638200

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ISC associations: HMC

Religious affiliation: All Faiths

Day/boarding type: Day

Gender profile: Boys only

Size: 684

Victoria College fees:

Day fees per term:

Scholarships & bursaries:

ISC reference number:

DfE reference number:
707 / 4007

Boys - age range & pupil numbers:

Day: 11 to 19 (684)

Sixth Form: (138)

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Scholarships & Bursaries offered

  • Bursaries for new entrants
  • Hardship awards for existing pupils

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