Pipers Corner is an independent day school for girls aged 3-18, set in 36 acres of Chiltern countryside. At Pipers all students are supported and challenged to achieve their full potential whatever their strengths. In addition to providing a stimulating learning environment we also encourage students to cultivate their talents through a wide range of school clubs and activities.
Pipers Lane
Great Kingshill
High Wycombe
HP15 6LP
+44 (0)1494 718255
Head's name:
Mrs Helen Ness-Gifford (Headmistress)
ISC associations: GSA, AGBIS, ISBA, IAPS
Religious affiliation: Church of England
Day/boarding type: Day
Gender profile: Girls only
Size: 618
Day fees per term:
to £7,565
Scholarships & bursaries:
ISC reference number:
DfE reference number:
825 / 6017
Girls - age range & pupil numbers:
Day: 4 to 18 (618)
Sixth Form: (81)
Disclaimer: Data is provided by the school, ISC is not responsible for inaccuracies