20 Aug 2022
Due to the ongoing impact of the coronavirus pandemic on grading, there is no external analysis of ISC member schools’ exam results in 2022.
Typically, the ISC publishes an analysis of Year 11 and Year 13 exam results for member schools every August. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, there was no sector-wide publication of results in 2020 or 2021 because exams were temporarily replaced by different assessment processes that Ofqual had to create in response to the crisis. Schools provided students with their grades in August as they normally would in both 2020 and 2021.
Although 2022 marked the return of public exams, this does not reflect a return to normality – grades this year are lower than last year’s results and higher than those awarded in 2019, reflecting Ofqual’s efforts to return to pre-pandemic grading. As this is not a ‘standard’ exam year, the ISC has not conducted an external analysis of member schools’ results in 2022.
Every year the ISC collects information about exam performance from member schools in the week following publication of results. Although the ISC does not produce or endorse "school league tables" this information is used by the press to produce their independent school tables. After the original collection, many schools will update their results following Reviews of Results (RoR). This information is incorporated into our tables, which are republished in the autumn after first publication.
Please select a year:
2022 Exam Results Year 13 Extended Project Boys and Girls