ISC Year 11 Exam Results 2009

Posted on: 02 Sept 2009

Fifth annual rise for ISC GCSE and IGCSE results.

GCSE and IGCSE exam results from 555 Independent Schools Council (ISC) schools show that this year 28.9% of entries achieved grade A*. This is the fifth consecutive yearly rise. Moreover, 59.8% entries were graded A* or A.

View Exam Results 2009 data

Commenting on the high proportion of A*-A grades this year (21.6% nationally, 59.8% at ISC schools), ISC Chairman, Dame Judith Mayhew Jonas, said:

"I am delighted with our pupils’ success and their commitment to their studies. These grades are the result of hard work by our pupils and the dedication of the staff at ISC schools."

ISC Chief Executive, David Lyscom, added:

"It is striking that pupils at ISC schools have achieved such remarkable results, in particular that over 80% gained five or more A*-C grades including in the core subjects (English, Maths, Science and an MFL). It is worth remembering that these high levels of academic achievement were attained while our pupils were gaining the benefits of the broad education that ISC schools offer, including extensive extra-curricular activities."

Provisional results achieved by 39,194 candidates from 555 schools were released today by ISC.

Candidates in ISC schools took an average of 9.7 subjects each, and:

  • 28.9% received the A* grade, up from 28.5% last year (national average 7.1%, up from 6.8% in 2008)
  • 59.8% of all exam entries were graded A* or A, up from 59.2% in 2008 (national average 21.6%, up from 20.7% in 2008)
  • 95.1% achieved grades A* -C, compared with 95.3% in 2008 (nationally, 61.7% were graded A* to C, compared with 65.7% last year)
  • 93.2% achieved five GCSEs / IGCSEs at grades A* -C including Maths and English (national figures for 2009 are not yet available, but in 2008 the national figure for GCSEs was 47.6%). 81.6% of ISC pupils achieved five GCSEs / IGCSEs at grades A* -C including Maths, English, a Science and a Modern Foreign Language
  • In 242 schools (43.6% of the total), every pupil achieved five or more A* -C grades. In a further 139 schools (a further 25.0% of the total), 95.0% or more of pupils achieved this standard.

The ISC list of GCSE and IGCSE results includes the number of candidates and grades achieved at each school. Points totals are included for each school, based on the tariff A*=58, A=52, B=46, C=40, D=34, E=28, F=22, G=16, U=0.

For ISC schools as a whole, the figures show that candidates achieved an average total of 481.4 points - equivalent to a nine subject result of slightly better than four A*s, three As and two Bs - and an average subject entry result of 49.9 which is between an A and a B grade.


Notes to editors

Results from ISC schools include IGCSE as well as GCSE. ISC continues to believe that there are no grounds for the separation of performance of the IGCSE from the GCSE.

View Exam Results 2009 data

ISC Mission Statement

The Independent Schools Council (ISC): working with its members to promote and preserve the quality, diversity and excellence of UK independent education both at home and abroad.

Additional information

ISC represents the eight leading independent schools associations in the UK, collectively educating more than 500,000 children in 1,280 schools in the UK and select British schools overseas. In total, there are around 2,600 independent schools in the UK.
