ISC statement on plans for IGCSE exams during the pandemic

Posted on: 08 Jan 2021
Posted by: Julie Robinson

The ISC's chief executive has issued a statement in response to the offer by exam boards to keep international GCSEs open as an option.

ISC chief executive Julie Robinson said: “It is important to remember that decisions over exam arrangements for qualifications such as the IGCSE and the IB are made by their respective awarding organisations, and schools are expected to follow their direction.

“We know most independent schools that offer IGCSEs enter students into a mix of GCSE and IGCSE exams – more than half of entries are for GCSEs – while the IB is offered in some independent schools as well as in some state schools.

“Schools and pupils are having to adapt to different sets of exam arrangements. There is a range of views across the education sector but we know that many schools would be pleased if exams of some kind can happen because it is what pupils have worked towards and they feel exams are the fairest way of assessing subject knowledge.”