ISC response to the publication of final IICSA report

Posted on: 20 Oct 2022
Posted by: Julie Robinson

ISC chief executive Julie Robinson comments on the publication of IICSA’s final report, which concludes a comprehensive investigation into the sexual abuse and exploitation of children in a wide range of institutions.

ISC chief executive Julie Robinson said: “We welcome the publication of IICSA’s report providing valuable recommendations to inform the safeguarding of children, which is of central importance to everyone working with young people.

“There is no place for abuse in schools or anywhere in society, and we admire the courage of those brave survivors who have come forward to provide vital contributions to the inquiry.

“In recent years, schools have taken their duties of care very seriously in supporting a raft of measures in the development of detailed safeguarding policies, procedures and targeted inspections. Encouraging pupils to speak out, listening to them and accommodating their needs is very much a priority, and the safety and welfare of children is the foremost responsibility of schools.

“The abuse of trust by predatory individuals is shocking and unforgiveable, and the ISC, associations and schools are now reviewing this report in detail. The ISC supports any form of mandatory reporting that would further safeguard and improve child protection procedures.”