ISC praises efforts of pupils and teachers on A-level results day

Posted on: 18 Aug 2022
Posted by: Barnaby Lenon

ISC chairman Barnaby Lenon congratulates pupils for all they have achieved as they receive their A-level results.

The ISC chairman said: “We applaud pupils for all their efforts in getting to this stage, having sat demanding public exams for the first time since 2019. With COVID having disrupted their education, pupils have shown great resilience and their achievements being celebrated today are considerable. Congratulations to all pupils on their results, which we hope will allow them to progress to the next stage of their journey.

“We welcome the return of exams and other formal assessments, which provide students with the fairest chance to demonstrate what they are capable of. All students undertook the same assessments, which were set, independently marked and graded by the exam boards. As such, students can be confident that they have been graded in the same way as everyone else.

“We pay tribute to teachers, school leaders, and support staff for all their hard work and dedication to supporting the learning and pastoral care of children. We also thank Ofqual, the exam boards and exam officers for ensuring formal assessments could go ahead as planned this year.

“All pupils should be proud of what they have achieved throughout what has been another unusual and challenging year, and we wish them all the best as they take their next steps.”