ISC Census 2008: Notable increases among boarding and girl pupils

Posted on: 30 Apr 2008

The Independent Schools Council (ISC) Annual Census 2008 has found pupil numbers rising again - with notable increases among boarding and girl pupils since 2007.

Read the ISC Annual Census 2008

Pupil numbers

The number of pupils at ISC schools is up 0.8% on 2007. This is the highest growth rate since 2003. There are now 511,677 pupils at ISC schools. Girl pupil numbers have also risen, with girl boarders up 0.5% - compared to the slight fall reported in 2007 - and day girl pupils up 1% on last year.

Boarding popularity

The total number of boarding pupils is up 0.4% on 2007. This is the fastest growth in boarding numbers since 2003, and reverses the downward trend reported last year. The proportions of day (86.9%) and boarding pupils (13.1%) are broadly in line with last year.

Increased entrance to Higher Education

92.9% of post A-level leavers went onto Higher Education this year, this proportion is up from 92.4% in 2007. This qualifies ISC's research findings which show there is no evidence to suggest that leading universities discriminate against applicants from independent schools.

Speaking today as the census was launched, Chris Parry, ISC Chief Executive, said:

"Despite the current economic climate, increasing numbers of parents are choosing to make sacrifices to invest in high quality education and schooling."


Notes to editors:

Independent Schools Council (ISC)

The Independent Schools Council (ISC) is a politically independent, not-for-profit umbrella body, representing around 1300 independent schools educating more than 500,000 children in the UK and Ireland. ISC schools include the well-known boarding schools, though the majority of ISC schools are day schools with strong local reputations. ISC schools cover the entire academic range and take pupils from a broad cross-section of backgrounds, with nearly a third of children receiving help with fees.

Overall, ISC exists to promote choice, diversity and excellence in education; the development of talent at all levels of ability; and the widening of opportunity for children from all backgrounds to achieve their potential.

ISC Census ISC's Census is the most comprehensive source of statistical information on accredited independent schools in the UK.

Read the ISC Annual Census 2008
