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Daily News Summary
18 December 2018

Interviews with the incoming GSA president
Schoolboy who fled civil unrest in Bangladesh wins Eton scholarship
Group of boarding schools commission research to establish their economic impact
Are 40% of GCSE and A-level grades really incorrect?
Children from low income families are falling further behind wealthier peers in their communication skills
'Schools should involve pupils in their social media'
Does good subject knowledge come hand-in-hand with being a good teacher?
Christmas gifts for teachers - has it gone too far?

Interviews with the incoming GSA president


Sue Hincks, headmistress of Bolton School Girls’ Division, has given a series of interviews to journalists ahead of becoming president of the Girls' Schools Association (GSA) in January.

The Telegraph and Daily Mail report on her comments that young people must "learn the importance of acting with integrity"; Tes writes about Miss Hincks' pledge to use her position to improve the prospects of disadvantaged pupils; The Times reports on comments made about unconditional university offers; and the Daily Mail quotes Miss Hincks as saying reality stars are "better role models than politicians".


Schoolboy who fled civil unrest in Bangladesh wins Eton scholarship


A schoolboy who fled civil unrest in Bangladesh has won a scholarship to study at Eton College. By Lara Keay, Daily Mail.

Daily Mail

Group of boarding schools commission research to establish their economic impact


Kilgraston School, Strathallan School, Glenalmond School and Morrison’s Academy have commissioned a Dundee university to analyse their contribution to the Tayside economy. By Tom Peterkin, The Courier. The article quotes Kilgraston headmistress, Dorothy MacGinty.

The Courier

Are 40% of GCSE and A-level grades really incorrect?


Following research published by Ofqual last month, Tes questions the claim that up to 40% of grades awarded in public exams are "wrong". By Will Hazell.


Children from low income families are falling further behind wealthier peers in their communication skills


A report from charity Save the Children has said the “early learning gap” between children from low income families and their better-off peers has widened. By Eleanor Busby, The Independent.

The Independent

'Schools should involve pupils in their social media'


Susan Ward, depute headteacher at Kingsland Primary School in Peebles, writes that schools are missing "a golden opportunity" by not involving children in their social media activity. Tes.


Does good subject knowledge come hand-in-hand with being a good teacher?


Adam Riches, a specialist leader of education and lead teacher in English, argues strong subject knowledge is "not the be all and end all" when it comes to being a good teacher. Tes.


Christmas gifts for teachers - has it gone too far?


It has long been a tradition for pupils to give teachers a thank you gift at Christmas, but how important is this and has the trend got out of hand? BBC News.



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