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Daily News Summary
17 May 2022

'Inflation could lead to schools making some difficult decisions about school lunches'
Just one in three teacher training providers re-accredited following ITT review
Dog brought in to girls’ school to help ease exam anxiety
'In order to break the bias young people need to be empowered to raise their voice'
Ofsted publishes guide to creating a 'high-quality' computing curriculum
Plans for all children in Wales to have free access to a musical instrument from September

'Inflation could lead to schools making some difficult decisions about school lunches'


Andrew Selley, the chief executive of Bidfood, one of the UK’s largest food wholesalers, has warned that soaring food inflation could force schools to choose between offering smaller portions at lunchtime and using cheaper ingredients. By Julia Kollewe, The Guardian.

The Guardian

Just one in three teacher training providers re-accredited following ITT review


According to Schools Week, only a third of teacher training providers have been re-accredited after the first round of the Government’s review of all initial teacher training (ITT) providers. By Freddie Whittaker.

Schools Week

Dog brought in to girls’ school to help ease exam anxiety


Pupils at Brighton Girls have been joined in class by Pip the Cavapoo to help calm the nerves of pupils taking exams for the first time. Rosie McColl, head at Brighton Girls, said: “There is growing evidence of the benefit of a school dog for children’s and adults’ social and emotional wellbeing and what better time for Pip to hang out with the girls than exam time.” By Peter Chappell, The Times.

The Times

'In order to break the bias young people need to be empowered to raise their voice'


Writing in the latest issue of the Independent Schools Magazine, Rushi Millns, director of careers and outreach at Heathfield School, discusses the importance of empowering young girls to raise their voice and break the bias.

Independent Schools Magazine

Ofsted publishes guide to creating a 'high-quality' computing curriculum


Ofsted has published its latest subject research review on computing, which instructs school leaders to provide “sufficient professional development” for teachers so they can design and teach a high-quality computing curriculum. By James Carr, Schools Week.

Schools Week

Plans for all children in Wales to have free access to a musical instrument from September


The Welsh Government has said all children in Wales will have free access to a musical instrument from September as part of its new music education plan, which aims to ensure music is accessible to all children. BBC Newsround.



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