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Daily News Summary
17 November 2021

Coronavirus: Half-term 'circuit breaker' prompts fall in number of pupils missing classes
ISC 'Spotlight On' blog: UCS Hampstead’s Nobel Laureate Lecture Series
New documentary set to explore what fuels rape culture in the classroom
France reveals plan to bring back teaching of ancient Greek and Latin to schools
Campaign encourages primary school pupils to be taught engineering skills
Headteachers raise concern over funding to tackle bullying
The Times Education Commission: Actor calls for college quotas for white working-class pupils
December strike action planned by university staff

Coronavirus: Half-term 'circuit breaker' prompts fall in number of pupils missing classes


According to official figures, the number of pupils in England missing school because of COVID-19 fell by almost a half after the half-term holiday. By Will Hazell, iNews.

Ofsted has announced it will inspect all of England's schools and colleges as part of efforts to gauge how well the education system is recovering after the pandemic. By Hannah Richardson, BBC News. Headteachers have raised concerns over the Government's decision to give Ofsted extra funding to carry out more inspections. By Catherine Lough, Tes.

The general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers is expected to warn that a brief pandemic "surge" in teaching applications is already all but over during a speech today at the Schools and Academies Show. By Matilda Martin, Tes.


ISC 'Spotlight On' blog: UCS Hampstead’s Nobel Laureate Lecture Series


Sophie Bennett, assistant head (partnerships and public relations) at UCS Hampstead, explains how a new partnership event is promoting a love of STEM learning beyond the classroom.

This ISC blog is published as part of School Partnerships Week on social media, during which independent and state schools are encouraged to post about their collaborative projects using the hashtags #schoolstogether and #powerofpartnerships. The week has already seen the publication of the ISC's annual Celebrating Partnerships booklet, featuring many examples of cross sector initiatives.


New documentary set to explore what fuels rape culture in the classroom


The Times interviews model Zara McDermott about her new BBC3 documentary 'Uncovering Rape Culture', which will be available on iPlayer from Wednesday, 24 November. By Julia Llewellyn Smith.

The Times

France reveals plan to bring back teaching of ancient Greek and Latin to schools


France's education minister, Jean-Michel Blanquer, has signed a charter - along with his counterparts from Italy, Greece and Cyprus - which pledges a “global and international strategy for the promotion and development of Latin and ancient Greek”. By Adam Sage, The Times.

The Times has published a leading article setting out its view on the importance of studying ancient Greece and Rome.


Campaign encourages primary school pupils to be taught engineering skills


A group of 150 engineers, scientists and other supporters, led by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), has written to the prime minister arguing that teaching engineering in primary schools could help transform the economy. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.

The Times

Headteachers raise concern over funding to tackle bullying


The Association of School and College Leaders has warned that increased government funding for schools to tackle bullying will not go far enough because of a "failure to sufficiently fund the education system over the past decade". By Helen Chapman, Tes.


The Times Education Commission: Actor calls for college quotas for white working-class pupils


Speaking to The Times Education Commission, actor Eddie Marsan has called for university quotas for white working-class pupils and for more grammar schools to open. By Nicola Woolcock and Holly Papworth, The Times.

The Times

December strike action planned by university staff


There will be strike action by staff at 58 UK universities between 1 and 3 December, the University and College Union has announced. By Hazel Shearing, BBC News.



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