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Daily News Summary
13 February 2019

Letters: Replacing GCSEs with a baccalaureate
The parents receiving a ‘hard time’ for sending their children to fee-charging schools
Independent schools are "motors of unfairness"
ISC Blog: When should careers education begin?
DfE guidance documents to help spot signs of fraud
Deaf children falling a grade behind classmates, warns charity
How can parents keep children safe from dating apps?

Letters: Replacing GCSEs with a baccalaureate


Magnus Bashaarat, head of Bedales School, writes in support of a recent proposal by the chairman of the education select committee, who argued that GCSEs should be replaced with a baccalaureate.

Jane Prescott, head of Portsmouth High School, writes that the introduction of a baccalaureate may mean the “one size fits all" approach of GCSEs is delayed to 18. See the third letter down.

Mark Lehain, director of Parents and Teachers for Excellence, writes in Tes that calls for GCSEs and A-levels to be scrapped 'must be rebuffed'.

The Times

The parents receiving a ‘hard time’ for sending their children to fee-charging schools


The Daily Mail discusses the guilt felt by a number of parents who 'sacrifice and save' to privately educate their child. By Sadie Nicolas. The article quotes Shaun Fenton, head of Reigate Grammar School and chair of the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference.

Daily Mail

Independent schools are "motors of unfairness"


The Guardian editorial argues that addressing inequality caused by independent schools is in the interests of the country as a whole.

The Guardian

ISC Blog: When should careers education begin?


Matthew Burke, head at Westbury House School, argues that careers education should begin as early as possible so children can begin to see links in the areas they are studying.


DfE guidance documents to help spot signs of fraud


Staff who seem eager to work “unusual hours” may be committing fraud, according to guidance from the Department for Education (DfE) that highlights warning signs of employee fraud. Schools Week.

Schools Week

Deaf children falling a grade behind classmates, warns charity


The National Deaf Children's Society has revealed deaf children are falling behind their peers from primary school through to GCSE. By Katherine Sellgren, BBC News.


How can parents keep children safe from dating apps?


Until confirmed age verification is introduced by dating apps, The Telegraph details how parents can help curious children to stay safe. By Tanith Carey.

The Telegraph


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