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Daily News Summary
14 November 2018

'The teacher recruitment crisis needs to be recognised as a global issue'
Schools should teach children how to manage social media, according to children's commissioner
ISC Blogs: Building music popularity through learning in harmony
Ofsted chief warns of drug gangs targeting children who have fallen out of education, as well as private schools pupils
Early intervention can stave off mental health problems, warns Science and Technology Select Committee
Scouts to admit four and five-year-olds to teach disadvantaged children "skills for life"
Teenagers guarded against porn through "digital passport"

'The teacher recruitment crisis needs to be recognised as a global issue'


Mark Steed, director of JESS Dubai - an international member of the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference, discusses the teacher recruitment crisis which he argues "is a global challenge". Tes.


Schools should teach children how to manage social media, according to children's commissioner


Children’s commissioner, Anne Longfield, has said schools should teach children how to cope with the “avalanche” of pressure faced on social media. By Caroline Henshaw, Tes.


ISC Blogs: Building music popularity through learning in harmony


Two school leaders write on the subject of music education in schools:

Julie Shaw, head of instrumental studies at Notre Dame School, argues the key to music popularity is making it accessible to everyone and at any level. Read here.

Paul Jones, deputy head academic at Shiplake College, discusses the school's music challenge which sees teachers learning a musical instrument from scratch, alongside pupils. Read here.


Ofsted chief warns of drug gangs targeting children who have fallen out of education, as well as private schools pupils


Ofsted's chief inspector, Amanda Spielman, will warn those attending the National Children and Adult Services Conference in Manchester today that drug gangs are more likely to prey on children who have fallen out of education, as well as pupils from private schools. Tes.


Early intervention can stave off mental health problems, warns Science and Technology Select Committee


The Science and Technology Select Committee is urging the Government to draw up a strategy for early intervention approaches, following research which shows a correlation between adverse childhood experiences and mental health problems in later life. By Katherine Sellgren, BBC News


Scouts to admit four and five-year-olds to teach disadvantaged children "skills for life"


For the first time in its history, the Scouts organisation will admit four and five-year-olds in a bid to help children from disadvantaged backgrounds to develop vital skills before starting school. By Camilla Tominey, The Telegraph.

The Telegraph

Teenagers guarded against porn through "digital passport"


Margot James MP, minister for digital and the creative industries, has said teenagers may be issued with a “digital identity” which would block them from accessing adult content and inappropriate social media. By Jonathan Paige, The Times.

The Times


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