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Daily News Summary
7 February 2024

Labour's tax plans will put independent schools 'even more out of reach', Sutton Trust founder warns
Sharp increase in mental health emergencies among children
Almost half of England's MATs are in deficit, report finds
'Partnerships reinforce the school's connection to the broader community'

Labour's tax plans will put independent schools 'even more out of reach', Sutton Trust founder warns


Sir Peter Lampl, founder of the Sutton Trust, has told The Times that grammar schools should provide ­tutoring for disadvantaged pupils taking their entrance exams to level the playing field with wealthier families. In an interview on the wider education system, which he believes is "not top of the [government's] agenda", Sir Peter warned that Labour's tax plans for independent schools "would make private school fees even more out of reach". He said: “They [independent schools] are hugely influential. I don’t think they’re going anywhere. So you’re just putting it more out of reach, which I don’t think is a good idea. You just cut out some of the people who are struggling.” Jodh Dhesi, chief executive of King Edward VI Foundation, a federation of independent and state grammars that decided to take action to increase the number of disadvantaged children offered places, is quoted on the success of the move. Mr Dhesi said: "Our schools are now even more vibrant places, full of pupils from all walks of life.” By Nicola Woolcock.

The Times

Sharp increase in mental health emergencies among children


Referrals of pupils to Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) have increased by 53 per cent over three years, data analysed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists has shown. School leaders said the “extremely worrying” findings highlight the need for more support to protect pupils’ mental health. Tes.


Almost half of England's MATs are in deficit, report finds


A benchmark report by accountancy network Kreston UK has found pressure on school budgets, from rising energy and staffing costs, drove almost half of multi-academy trusts (MATs) into deficit in 2023. Having studied the accounts of 279 trusts representing more than 2,300 schools, accountants discovered that 47 per cent were running in-year shortfalls. By Morgan Ofori, The Guardian.

The Guardian

'Partnerships reinforce the school's connection to the broader community'


Writing for Independent Schools Magazine, director of partnerships at Durham Cathedral Schools Foundation Traci Moore explains how building partnerships with local schools and groups has enabled the foundation to collaborate with the community. Ms Moore concludes: "By breaking down barriers, children are given the chance to thrive and, through partnership work, we are helping build a more diverse and equitable society."

Independent Schools Magazine


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