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Daily News Summary
5 July 2023

Think tank warns against Labour's plan to remove independent schools' charitable status
Schools face end-of-term and autumn strike disruption
Engagement with boys ‘crucial’ for addressing sexual harassment, ministers say
Proposed new guidance on information sharing explained
Concern over free childcare becoming 'postcode lottery'
Flu vaccine to be offered to all secondary school pupils in England
A closer look at the myths around maths

Think tank warns against Labour's plan to remove independent schools' charitable status


Schools Week summarises a report from EDSK that has called for the Labour Party to reconsider its plans to remove the charitable status of independent schools and instead limit the fees they are able to charge. The think tank's report, which has cited “significant legal and financial risks” associated with Labour's plans to lift tax exemptions for independent schools, also said reform needs to see more cross-sector partnership work, with independent schools supporting a greater number of poorer pupils. Julie Robinson, chief executive of the Independent Schools Council (ISC), is quoted, saying the organisation “would encourage politicians from all parties to engage and work with us to build on the good public benefit work that already exists within the sector to improve education for more young people”.

Reference is made to research by the ISC and several schools in membership of the ISC's constituent associations are mentioned. By Freddie Whittaker.

Schools Week

Schools face end-of-term and autumn strike disruption


Schools are facing more disruption from industrial action today, as teachers go on strike in a long-running dispute over pay. End-of-term activities including sports days, school trips and transition days could be affected as a result of the action by teacher members of the National Education Union (NEU), with another day of action planned for Friday. By Eleanor Busby, The Independent.

The Guardian reports that the biggest strikes in a decade could be launched by teachers from September as part of a “united front” by all four education unions in England, with members being balloted over further strike action in the autumn. By Richard Adams.


Engagement with boys ‘crucial’ for addressing sexual harassment, ministers say


Ministers on the Commons Women and Equalities Committee have said the government should focus on engaging boys in relationships and sex education (RSE) in order to help tackle the continuing problem of sexual harassment and violence against pupils in schools. RSE should also be made compulsory in sixth forms and colleges, according to the MPs, who have warned that young people are making their first steps into the adult world “under-supported” to navigate potentially “dangerous” situations. By Eleanor Busby, The Independent.

The Independent

Proposed new guidance on information sharing explained


A consultation has been launched on proposed new guidance covering how schools share information to keep children safe. An article in Tes explains what the update would mean for safeguarding practitioners. By Elizabeth Rose.


Concern over free childcare becoming 'postcode lottery'


Councils have warned that a government pledge to extend free childcare to all working parents in England could become a postcode lottery dependent on regional capacity, after research by the Local Government Association found 88 per cent of authorities surveyed were concerned there would be significant nursery closures this year. By Sally Guyoncourt, iNews.


Flu vaccine to be offered to all secondary school pupils in England


Ministers have confirmed that a free flu vaccinination will be offered to all secondary school pupils in England in the next academic year. By Harry Stedman, The Independent.

The Independent

A closer look at the myths around maths


Two professors speak to Tes about how teachers can dispel some of the common myths surrounding maths, with tips on helping pupils who are anxious about the subject. By Chris Parr.



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