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Education sector pays tribute to Queen Elizabeth II
General education
The schools community has paid tribute to the Queen's "dedication to public service", after it was announced that she died yesterday afternoon at the age of 96. By Amy Walker, Schools Week.
The ISC's statement commemorating the Queen can be read here.
In an email to schools, the Department for Education stated that schools and colleges should remain open following the death of Queen Elizabeth, and that advice on the period of national mourning would be issued by the Cabinet Office and available on GOV.UK. By John Dickens, Schools Week.
Schools set to receive six-month energy support package
Education policy
Prime minister Liz Truss has announced a new energy price guarantee, which will hold average household bills to no more than £2,500 from 1 October, and a written statement from business secretary Jacob Rees-Mogg states: "Government will also support all business, charities and public sector organisations with their energy costs this winter, offering an equivalent guarantee for six months." By Callum Mason, Tes.
Schools Bill delayed amid a review of current reforms
Education policy
According to Schools Week, the passage of the Government's Schools Bill has been delayed while new prime minister Liz Truss and her team review all current legislation. By Freddie Whittaker.
Universities call for maintenance grants to be reintroduced in England
Higher education
The Guardian reports university vice-chancellors have called for the return of maintenance grants for undergraduates in England, warning that otherwise there will be a "significant" impact on the education, health and wellbeing of students. By Richard Adams.
SQA strike action could affect exam appeals
Scottish education
BBC News reports up to 55,000 exam appeals in Scotland could be affected as workers at the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) take strike action over pay throughout September.
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