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Primary school children with long COVID 'more likely to have mental health problems'
Mental health
A study published by the Office for National Statistics has found that 30 per cent of primary school children with long-term effects of the coronavirus had at least one probable mental illness, compared with 7.7 per cent of those without long COVID. By Kat Lay, The Times.
Baby boom creates ‘toughest ever’ competition for school places
General education
Education charity Teach First has warned that a “population bulge” of more than 729,000 children born in 2010-11 has resulted in today’s pupils facing the toughest ever competition to secure secondary school places this year. By India McTaggart, The Times.
Heads urged to be more "aware" of transgender pupils in schools
Child welfare
The LGBT+ young people's charity Just Like Us is urging headteachers to be more "aware" of children who are coming out as transgender at their school, after a survey revealed that headteachers were the least likely to know when students came out as transgender. By Callum Mason, Tes.
'What would the revamped curriculum look like in practice?'
Teaching and learning
Writing in The Telegraph, columnist Celia Walden raises her concerns about the Government’s plan to reform the history curriculum to make it more “diverse and global”.
Nearly four in 10 primary school teachers buy books for their classrooms
Teaching and learning
According to a study conducted by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education in January of this year, 38 per cent of primary school teachers were having to buy books for classrooms out of their own pockets owing to limited budgets. Tes.
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