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Daily News Summary
17 January 2022

Coronavirus: Tory MPs and peers back a court challenge against face masks in classrooms
In conversation with Donna Stevens, GSA chief executive
"The finest education is one which prepares for any eventuality"
"Digital learning will also continue to develop both in scope and innovation"
Universities face crackdown on "low-quality courses"
Boys are more likely to be influenced by gender stereotypes when choosing a career, research finds
London school introduces four-and-a-half-day week to support teacher wellbeing

Coronavirus: Tory MPs and peers back a court challenge against face masks in classrooms


According to The Telegraph, more than a dozen Tory MPs and peers have backed a court challenge against face masks in the classroom, warning Boris Johnson that there is “insufficient evidence” to support the policy and that it must be withdrawn with “immediate effect”. By Camilla Turner.

The pandemic has created a rise in the number of people switching careers and training to become teachers through the Teach First programme, rather than joining straight from university. Last year, a third of those starting the programme were career changes rather than young graduates. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.


In conversation with Donna Stevens, GSA chief executive


Independent School Management Plus speaks to Donna Stevens, the chief executive of the Girls' School Association (GSA), about the value of girls' schools, the importance of research data and the possibility of education reform following COVID. By Irena Barker.

Independent School Management Plus

"The finest education is one which prepares for any eventuality"


Dr Michael Gray, headmaster at Hereford Cathedral School, writes for Independent Education Today on ensuring pupils are ready for the real world when they leave school.

IE Today

"Digital learning will also continue to develop both in scope and innovation"


Ben Evans, headmaster at Windlesham House School, writes for Independent Education Today on what education trends he thinks we can expect to see this year.

IE Today

Universities face crackdown on "low-quality courses"


The Telegraph reports that the Office for Students (OfS) is set to warn vice-chancellors that they risk being hit with sanctions if their degrees fail to deliver for students. By Camilla Turner.

The Telegraph

Boys are more likely to be influenced by gender stereotypes when choosing a career, research finds


According to two studies by Abertay University in Dundee and the University of Aberdeen, boys are more likely to be influenced by gender stereotyping when choosing a career and avoid traditionally “female” professions, but girls are more likely to reject such tropes. By Will Hazell, iNews.


London school introduces four-and-a-half-day week to support teacher wellbeing


Forest Gate Community School in east London has implemented a four-and-a-half-day week to promote better teacher wellbeing and combat burnout. By Rachel Hall, The Guardian.

The Guardian


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