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Daily News Summary
31 August 2022

Exams 2022: 'Regional disparities in attainment show we need new solutions'
School leaders 'crying out' for help amid rising cost pressures
Warning over rise in asthma attacks as schools return
Majority believe university fees are 'bad value for money', survey suggests
'The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry should be able to look at all settings'

Exams 2022: 'Regional disparities in attainment show we need new solutions'


Chris Zarraga, director of Schools North East, writes in Schools Week in response to reports of regional disparities in this year's exam results. He argues: "The truth is that our current measurements of school performance are not fit for purpose, and that too often economic and geographical factors are mistakenly presented as educational ones."

Schools Week takes a closer look at this year's exam results data, following claims that independent schools 'inflated' last year's grades. By John Dickens. The article quotes Barnaby Lenon, chairman of the Independent Schools Council, who says that "trying to make comparisons with last year's results is not advised given the unique nature of the assessment system".


School leaders 'crying out' for help amid rising cost pressures


Speaking to Tes, some school leaders have warned they may be forced to take "catastrophic" measures this winter, including restricting heating and cutting staff, amid rising cost pressures. By Callum Mason.

An editorial piece in The Guardian argues "headteachers deserve better backing from the Government as a perfect financial storm looms".


Warning over rise in asthma attacks as schools return


Parents of children with asthma are being urged to take action as the number of life-threatening asthma attacks is expected to surge in the coming weeks. By Ella Pickover, The Independent.

The Independent

Majority believe university fees are 'bad value for money', survey suggests


According to an opinion poll by YouGov, a majority of voters say university tuition fees of £9,250 per year are "bad value". By Richard Adams, The Guardian.

The Guardian

'The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry should be able to look at all settings'


Tom Perry, director of the pressure group Mandate Now, writes in The Times arguing that the remit of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry should be extended to cover non-residential settings.

The Times


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