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Daily News Summary
19 October 2021

Coronavirus: Schools consider using cash incentives to source tutors amid shortages
Primary schools urged to teach children how to treat their own illnesses
A closer look at the future of GCSEs
ISC blog: "It is important to ensure that students see themselves in all aspects of school life"
"Values need to lie at the heart of education"
Concerns raised over use of facial recognition technology in some schools
School staff set to protest at Downing Street over funding for nurseries
Your future depends on the future of your planet, children told

Coronavirus: Schools consider using cash incentives to source tutors amid shortages


According to The Times, some schools may offer university students Deliveroo vouchers and cash bonuses to work as tutors for the Government's education catch-up scheme. By Nicola Woolcock.

Nick Brook, deputy general secretary of the National Association of Head Teachers, writes in Tes warning that the National Tutoring Programme "is in danger of being a short-term sticking plaster".

New poll findings suggest nearly three-quarters of headteachers have seen a colleague cry since the start of the new academic year. By John Roberts, Tes.


Primary schools urged to teach children how to treat their own illnesses


NHS leaders have said that primary school pupils should be taught "self-care" for minor conditions, as well as basic first aid, to prevent unnecessary visits to GPs. By Lizzie Roberts, The Telegraph.

The Telegraph

A closer look at the future of GCSEs


In an analysis piece for iNews, Will Hazell explores the debate around scrapping GCSEs, arguing "a battle over the qualification's existence in England has begun". The article quotes Alistair McConville, deputy head of The King Alfred School.


ISC blog: "It is important to ensure that students see themselves in all aspects of school life"


In the latest ISC blog, Aldaine Wynter, the global diversity and inclusion coordinator for Dwight School, discusses how the school is shining a light on representation as part of a series of weekly programmes for Black History Month.

Is your school involved in any projects or initiatives to celebrate Black History Month? If you would like to write a blog for us on the subject please get in touch with us at [email protected].


"Values need to lie at the heart of education"


Anthony Seldon, a historian and former university vice-chancellor, writes in The Times arguing schools "can play a vital role in instilling moral values in society" in the wake of the killing of Sir David Amess.

The Times

Concerns raised over use of facial recognition technology in some schools


The Information Commissioner's Office is to step in following reports of some schools in Scotland using facial recognition technology on pupils to speed up lunch queues. By Sally Weale, The Guardian.

An editorial piece in The Guardian argues that "just because pupils and their families have become accustomed to the use of some biometric data, it does not follow that these systems should be extended".


School staff set to protest at Downing Street over funding for nurseries


According to The Independent, around 150 school staff are expected to protest at Downing Street today to call on chancellor Rishi Sunak to increase funding for council-run nursery schools. By Conrad Duncan.

The Independent

Your future depends on the future of your planet, children told


The Prince of Wales has introduced a documentary before Cop26, the climate change conference in Glasgow, in which he highlights the importance of tackling the world's environmental problems. By Valentine Low, The Times.

The Times


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