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Coronavirus: PM announces funding for catch-up summer schools
General education
Prime minister Boris Johnson has announced an extra £420 million in funding for secondary summer schools to help ensure "no child is left behind" during the pandemic. BBC News.
Some headteachers and think tanks have questioned whether funding for summer schools will help those who have fallen behind the most, after it emerged that only half of children targeted for catch-up support have signed up for the National Tutoring Scheme. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.
New findings suggest the attainment levels of primary school pupils in the Midlands and the north have declined the most during the pandemic, with the poorest pupils up to seven months behind their peers. By Sally Weale, The Guardian.
Schools Week summarises key findings from an Education Select Committee meeting, which focused on catch-up funding, the pupil premium and school spending. By Freddie Whittaker.
Dr Mary Bousted, joint general secretary of the National Education Union, has claimed the Government is 'not following the science' in its plan to fully reopen schools next month. By Dave Speck, Tes.
Headteachers have warned that very few secondary schools in England will be able to fully reopen on 8 March due to the "huge logistical challenge" of testing all students and staff for COVID-19. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.
First minister Nicola Sturgeon has said schools in Scotland will not fully reopen until 5 April, though all primary school pupils can be expected to return by 15 March. By Helen Puttick, The Times.
Jo Bisset, organiser of the UsForThem campaign group, has said the Scottish Government's plan for school reopenings "leaves secondary pupils on the scrapheap". By Helen Puttick, The Times.
The Times reports the status of more than 300 school leavers in Scotland remains unknown, after home visits for authorities following up on their status were cancelled due to the pandemic. By Mark McLaughlin.
A new report from the Chartered College of Teaching has identified ways to support pupils with special educational needs and disabilities with remote learning. By Catherine Lough, Tes.
Exams 2021: Students could receive their results 'in early August'
According to Tes, GCSE and A-level results are expected to be issued to students in early August, a month later than originally proposed. By Catherine Lough, Tes.
Students are calling for more clarity over how the International Baccalaureate's "dual" approach to grading will work this year. By Catherine Lough, Tes.
Figures reveal an increase in Scotland's poverty-related attainment gap
Scottish education
SNP ministers have been accused of "failing the young people of Scotland", after new figures highlighted a growing disparity in the pass rates of pupils from the most and least deprived areas. By Georgina Hayes, The Telegraph.
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