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Daily News Summary
22 December 2021

Coronavirus: Retired teachers ignore plea from DfE to return to the classroom
Teachers support proposals for pupils to sit GCSEs early if they are ready, survey suggests
Female pupils report substantially lower levels of wellbeing, study finds

Coronavirus: Retired teachers ignore plea from DfE to return to the classroom


According to The Independent, retired teachers have ignored a plea from the Government to return to schools to help cover COVID staff shortages, with some calling the idea “complete lunacy”. By Zoe Tidman.

Writing for The Independent, Ed Dorrell, director at Public First, argues that the school system is on the "verge of falling over".

Nicola Sturgeon, Scotland's first minister, has said that reopening schools as normal after the holidays remains a priority for the Scottish government. By Lucinda Cameron, The Times.

Writing for The Telegraph, Sunetra Gupta, professor of theoretical epidemiology at the University of Oxford, argues that "in times of pandemic, we neglect the arts at our peril".


Teachers support proposals for pupils to sit GCSEs early if they are ready, survey suggests


A survey conducted by Oxford University Press has found that many teachers back proposals for a “stage, not age” examination system, in which pupils would be allowed to take GCSEs in core subjects before they are 16 if they are ready. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.

The Times

Female pupils report substantially lower levels of wellbeing, study finds


According to a study conducted by social enterprise ImpactEd, female pupils currently have substantially lower levels of wellbeing and higher levels of anxiety than male pupils. By Serena Haththotuwa, Independent Education Today.

IE Today


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