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Daily News Summary
14 April 2021

Coronavirus: Survey reveals parents' experiences of home schooling
Report claims independent schools give majority of bursaries to middle class children
Exams 2021: SQA insists 'there is no requirement to replicate full exams this year'
Student wins award for curriculum diversity campaign

Coronavirus: Survey reveals parents' experiences of home schooling


According to a poll by Ipsos Mori, more than two thirds of parents say home schooling in the latest lockdown "went well", though families with lower incomes and those with more children were more likely to report negative experiences. By Dave Speck, Tes.

New figures show the Government has yet to fulfil its pledge to distribute 1.3 million laptops and tablets to pupils for online learning. By Zoe Tidman, The Independent.

The Government has announced that university students in England will return to campuses "no earlier than 17 May". By Sean Coughlan, BBC News.


Report claims independent schools give majority of bursaries to middle class children


A report presented to the British Sociological Association has accused independent schools of "virtue signalling" over bursaries, claiming the majority go to pupils of middle class families. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph. The article quotes Julie Robinson, chief executive of the Independent Schools Council.

The Telegraph

Exams 2021: SQA insists 'there is no requirement to replicate full exams this year'


The Scottish Qualifications Authority has published a statement saying "there is no requirement to replicate a full exam or prelim this year", amid concerns that students in Scotland are being asked to sit exam-like assessments. By Henry Hepburn, Tes.


Student wins award for curriculum diversity campaign


Cynthia Muthoni, a university student, has won a Petition Campaign of the Year award, after her petition to "add education on diversity and racism to all school curriculums" received more than 89,000 signatures. BBC News.



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