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Coronavirus: Calls for free laptops and unlimited data for disadvantaged pupils
Child welfare
Education charity Teach First has said children from deprived backgrounds should be given free laptops and tablets and unlimited internet data to prevent them from falling behind their wealthier peers during school closures. By Will Hazell, iNews. An article in Tes reports the Academies Enterprise Trust has said it will purchase 9,000 additional chrome-books and devices for pupils with Education and Healthcare Plans and those eligible for free school meals. By Catherine Lough.
Simon Henderson, the headmaster of Eton College, has written to the heads of all UK state secondary schools offering online courses to Year 11 and 13 pupils free of charge. By Catherine Lough, Tes.
An article in The Times explores how teachers and pupils are adapting to online learning following school closures. By Nicola Woolcock. The article quotes Lucy Elphinstone, head of Francis Holland School, Sloane Square. According to The Independent, many schools have seen their outdated IT systems crash during the first week of closures as they struggle to cope with the volume of traffic from students and teachers. By Eleanor Busby.
The Telegraph reports many fee-paying parents are demanding refunds amid concern schools will not reopen before September. By Camilla Turner and Russell Lynch. The article quotes Barnaby Lenon, chairman of the Independent Schools Council (ISC), and David Woodgate, chief executive of the Independent Schools' Bursars Association. Several independent schools including Eton College, Marlborough College and King's College School, Wimbledon, are planning to cut fees by up to a third next term. By Sian Griffiths, The Sunday Times. The article quotes Barnaby Lenon, chairman of the ISC, and Christopher King, chairman of the Independent Association of Prep Schools. The article mentions the Girls' Day Schools Trust as well as several schools in membership of the ISC's constituent associations. An article in The Telegraph offers advice to parents looking to apply for refunds for independent school fees. By Harry Brennan. The article quotes Pam Hutley, headmistress of Hollygirt School, Julie Robinson, chief executive of the ISC, and a spokesman for the Independent Schools Association.
A free text messaging service called TeachTogether is being launched to offer teachers support and advice during the coronavirus pandemic. By Samantha Booth, Schools Week.
Gemma Corby, a freelance writer and former special educational needs and disability coordinator, outlines four ways teachers can support the wellbeing of pupils with SEND while schools are closed. Tes.
The Government is expected to impose restrictions on the number of students each university in England can admit to avoid a free-for-all on admissions. By Richard Adams, The Guardian.
The Guardian reports the private tuition industry has seen a surge in demand following school closures across the UK. By David Batty.
ISC blog: How to manage your children's screen time in the coming weeks
ISC blog
Victoria Playford, head of The Mulberry House School, offers advice to parents on how they can help their children balance their time on and offline while schools are closed.
'Independent schools are the best places to train for a pro career in sport'
Independent sector
The Telegraph explores why independent schools are ideal environments for young people seeking a professional career in sport. By Jim White. The article quotes Barnaby Lenon, chairman of the ISC, and several staff members at schools in membership of the ISC's constituent associations.
'Why boarding remains a popular choice for pupils and their families'
Independent sector
An article in IE Today features insights from pupils and staff members on how their boarding schools support and enhance students' educational experiences. By Nicky Adams. The article mentions the Boarding Schools' Association and the ISC, and quotes staff members at several schools in membership of the ISC's constituent associations.
Key findings from the newest TALIS results
General education
Schools Week details four key takeaways from the most recent teaching and learning international survey (TALIS) results published by the OECD last week. By James Carr.
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