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Daily News Summary
29 July 2020

Coronavirus: Schools enforcing mandatory mask-wearing 'face judicial review'
Review calls for expansion of free school meals programme

Coronavirus: Schools enforcing mandatory mask-wearing 'face judicial review'


According to The Telegraph, schools could face legal action for forcing pupils to wear face masks when they return to classrooms in September. By Camilla Turner.

The Competition and Markets Authority has warned some nurseries have embarked on "unfair and illegal practice" by charging parents full fees despite being closed during the pandemic. By David Byers, The Times.

Lee Elliot Major, professor of social mobility at the University of Exeter, expresses his concern over the impact of this year's exam system on disadvantaged pupils, adding universities and colleges should make lower grade offers for "pupils who can show they have been particularly disadvantaged". iNews

Zoe Williams writes in The Guardian questioning whether an independent education is a worthwhile long-term investment, following reports of increased interest from parents worried about the disruption to schooling.

The Guardian reports on poll findings which suggest 61 per cent of UK employers have had to cancel some or all of their work experience placements this year. By Sally Weale.

A survey of 1,000 secondary school pupils in Scotland has shed light on how many are struggling with their learning during lockdown. By Mark McLaughlin, The Times.

According to The Times, some local authorities in Scotland are considering reimbursing parents who drive their children to and from school due to "capacity restrictions" on school buses. By Mike Wade.


Review calls for expansion of free school meals programme


A report from the National Food Strategy has called for free school meals to be made available for a further 1.5 million children, warning "thousands will continue to suffer" unless action is taken to address child poverty and poor nutrition. By Sean Coughlan, BBC News.



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