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Daily News Summary
28 July 2020

Coronavirus: Ofqual calls for "greater flexibility" over staying on for A-levels
Findings point to link between children's vocal pitch and gender bias
The Telegraph's guide to music education

Coronavirus: Ofqual calls for "greater flexibility" over staying on for A-levels


The exams watchdog has written to schools and colleges across England encouraging them to allow pupils to stay on to take their A-levels even if they do not get the required GCSE grades. By Sean Coughlan, BBC News.

Tes reports the Public Law Project charity has said Ofqual has "a legal duty to publish its model for calculating GCSE and A-level grades". By Amy Gibbons.

An article in Tes summarises the grading appeals process for this year's International Baccalaureate. By Catherine Lough.

According to a survey of 8,000 school staff, 20 per cent of respondents said cleaners in their schools lack adequate personal protective equipment. By Jasmine Andersson, iNews.

The Telegraph explores the increasing popularity of independent boarding schools during the pandemic. By Annabel Heseltine. The article quotes Christopher King, chief executive of the Independent Prep School Association, and several members of staff at schools in membership of the ISC's constituent associations.

Teachers have been warned they may need to take unpaid leave if they are forced to quarantine after travelling abroad at the end of the summer holidays. By Hayley Dixon, The Telegraph.

New figures from UCAS show the number of teacher training applications in Wales has risen by 6.8 per cent since last year. BBC News.

The Times reports teachers in Scotland are expected to scale back some lessons and focus on mental health and wellbeing as part of a "recovery curriculum". By Mark McLaughlin.

Claire Heylin, primary English lead at Deira International School in Dubai, offers advice to early years and foundation stage teachers ahead of pupils' return to the classroom in September. Tes.


Findings point to link between children's vocal pitch and gender bias


New research suggests teachers can tackle gender stereotypes by listening to how children alter their voices when acting out different professional roles. By Claudia Civinini, Tes.


The Telegraph's guide to music education


An article in The Telegraph offers advice to parents interested in introducing their children to piano playing. By Susie Mesure. The article mentions several schools in membership of the ISC's constituent associations.

The Telegraph


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