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Boarding schools advised to look out for "signs of xenophobia" following coronavirus outbreak
Independent sector
The Boarding Schools' Association has issued guidance for schools advising them to take action against any students who exhibit xenophobic behaviour towards Chinese pupils following the coronavirus outbreak. BBC News. The article quotes a spokesman from the association.
'How we can encourage more boys to take up language learning'
Teaching and learning
Isabelle Dépreux, head of languages at Kilgraston School, lists some of the ways she believes schools can encourage more boys to take an interest in language learning. Tes.
Study identifies rise in long-lasting mental health problems among teachers
Mental health
According to research from the University College London, one in 20 teachers in England now report having a mental health problem that lasted for more than a year, an increase from one per cent in the 1990s. By Eleanor Busby, The Independent.
Number of boys self-harming 'up by 50 per cent in four years'
Mental health
A study from the World Health Organisation found 16 per cent of 15-year-old boys in England said they had self-harmed before, an increase from 11 per cent in 2014. By Charles Hymas, The Telegraph.
Top tips for teaching abroad
International education
Natasha Skinner, a social sciences teacher at the British School of Bucharest, lists her top tips for those teaching abroad for the first time. Tes.
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