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Daily News Summary
7 February 2020

DfE publishes secondary school league tables
Schools urged to 'open their doors' to vocational colleges
Letters: 'The notion of variety in education is not new'
UK teachers in China respond to the coronavirus outbreak
How to encourage children to 'find their brave'

DfE publishes secondary school league tables


The Department for Education (DfE) has published the GCSE results of thousands of secondary schools across England. An article in The Telegraph reflects on the results, and features an interactive league table. By Ashley Kirk.

The Times also reports on the findings, highlighting how teenagers who speak English as an additional language have outperformed their native English speaking peers in GCSE maths and English. By Nicola Woolcock.

BBC News reports girls have outperformed boys academically for 30 years, with girls 14 per cent more likely to pass GCSE English and maths.

The statistics also show the proportion of students entered for all five English Baccalaureate components is 40 per cent, the highest entry rate since the measure was introduced 10 years ago. By Amy Gibbons, Tes.


Schools urged to 'open their doors' to vocational colleges


Lord Agnew, the school systems minister, has called on schools to give colleges and training providers the opportunity to talk to students about technical qualifications and apprenticeships. By Eleanor Busby, The Independent.

Tes reports T-level providers are set to receive a £110 million funding boost ahead of the roll-out of the new qualifications. By Kate Parker.


Letters: 'The notion of variety in education is not new'


John Dunston, a former independent head, writes in The Times in response to an article about the benefits of flexi-schools. He argues schools have long recognised the importance of a varied curriculum, referencing Sibford School and Leighton Park School, which was praised for its "sane balance between spiritual, intellectual, moral and practical matters". The letter can be found halfway down the page.

The Times

UK teachers in China respond to the coronavirus outbreak


Tes carries an article featuring the reactions of some UK teachers in China to the coronavirus outbreak. By Catherine Lough.

An article in The Telegraph offers advice to parents on how to discuss the coronavirus with their children. By Katie Russell.


How to encourage children to 'find their brave'


As part of this year's Children's Mental Health Week, Niki Cooper, clinical director of mental health charity Place2Be, writes in Tes outlining four ways teachers can help their students to "find their brave".



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