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The debate surrounding business rates in Scotland
Scottish education
BBC News explores the implications of a proposal to give local authorities in Scotland the power to set business rates. The article references Fettes College.
ISC blog: How primary school pupils can benefit from academic enrichment programmes
ISC blog
Mark Nicholson, head of partnerships at Hampton School, discusses how a new learning programme taught by Hampton’s subject specialist teachers provides additional academic stretch and challenge to Year 5 pupils from local primary schools.
House of Lords: parliamentary question and response to looked-after children
Child welfare
Speaking in the House of Lords, Lord Lexden asked how the price of a boarding school place compared with other types of provision for looked-after children. Lord Agnew replied "it is substantially less expensive than the normal routes that a local authority might take" if 40 per cent bursaries are taken into account.
'Girls should not be made to wear ties in school'
General education
Jane Prescott, president of the Girls' Schools Association and head of Portsmouth High School, has said girls should not be made to wear school ties as they 'do not reflect what they might wear in the workplace'. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph.
Familial abuse difficult to identify due to a lack of school nurses, report finds
Child welfare
A new report has found a lack of school nurses makes it harder to identify children at risk of sexual abuse by family members. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph.
'How to bridge the gap between GCSEs and A-levels'
Teaching and learning
Robbie Hicks, a sixth form student, writes in Tes about how teachers can help to ease the transition from GCSE to A-level.
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