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'Should primary school children be given homework?'
Primary education and early years
The Telegraph explores whether homework helps primary school-aged children with their studies, or adds unnecessary stress. By Katie Russell. The article quotes Christopher King, chief executive of the Independent Association of Prep Schools, and Edward Balfour, head of Beechwood Park School.
House of Lords: Special educational needs budget
Lord Lexden, president of the Independent Schools Association, asked an oral question in the House of Lords yesterday, which referenced independent schools and the 'good provision they offer for around 85,000 children with special needs'.
Demand for trainee teachers drops for the first time since 2016-17
Teacher training
According to new figures published by the Department for Education, 30,952 prospective teachers are needed to start training next year, compared to 33,090 in 2019-20. By Amy Gibbons, Tes.
Figures show 57 per cent of state pupils are failing to achieve a "strong pass" in English and maths GCSEs
According to provisional data published by the Department for Education, more than half of state pupils in England did not achieve a grade 5 or above in their English and maths GCSEs. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph.
AQA marking scandal "not acceptable", says education secretary
Gavin Williamson, the education secretary, has said exam board AQA's behaviour regarding remarks was "not acceptable", adding he is "ready to listen" if Ofqual require the power to issue larger fines. The Telegraph.
'Schools of all types should work together to provide the best education for all pupils'
Academies and free schools
Unity Howard, director of the New Schools Network, reflects on the findings from the Education Policy Institute's analysis of free schools, and argues 'free schools should collaborate with the existing school system to raise standards across the board'. Tes.
No one has the power to close illegal schools, says head of Ofsted
General education
Amanda Spielman, the chief inspector, has said 'no one has the power to close illegal schools', after a headteacher of an unregistered school in south London vowed to keep the school open. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph.
'The benefits and challenges of opening an independent school in China'
Independent sector
Tes features a piece on Merchiston Castle School, a Scottish independent school that has opened an institution in China. Jonathan Anderson, the school's head, has suggested the new revenue stream will "support the bursary pot that allows us to create access for boys from a variety of backgrounds". By Emma Seith. The article references the Independent Schools Council.
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