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Teachers work an average of 50 hours per week, survey reveals
Teaching and learning
The Department for Education's Teacher Workload Survey has found at least 70% of teachers are working over their contracted hours. By Helen Ward, Tes.
The impact on house prices when living near 'good' or 'bad' schools
General education
A study by PwC has revealed houses in areas near poor quality schools face an effective house price penalty of £14,000. By Adam Williams, The Telegraph.
How one selfie can be "interpreted as a statement of shared intent"
Independent sector
Labour's shadow education secretary, Angela Rayner, was recently asked to "pick a side" when pictured in a selfie with a private school head. David James, deputy head (academic) of an independent school, condemns this "new era of intolerance" and questions how it has come to this. Tes.
One in 10 pupils removed from school roll before sitting GCSEs
General education
A report by the Education Policy Institute has revealed more than 61,000 pupils, who were due to take GCSEs in 2017, were removed from the school rolls without any explanation. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.
International schools partner with Berklee on arts education
International education
Dozens of international schools that are part of the Inspired network have partnered with a music and performing arts institute, Berklee College of Music, to raise the standard of arts education for their pupils. By Helen Ward, Tes.
Young people supported by government fund to find 'dream jobs'
General education
Thérèse Coffey, the work and pensions secretary, writes in The Times announcing a £7 million government fund to boost Jobcentre support for schools and young people.
Cambridge University cites "Stormzy effect" for rise in number of black students
Higher education
Cambridge University has seen an increase in the number of applications from black students and has cited a number of factors behind the rise, including the “Stormzy effect". By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph.
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