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Call for teachers to become governors of other schools
Teaching and learning
The National Governance Association (NGA) is calling on teachers to become governors of other schools, to enrich their professional development and gain “valuable experience of strategic leadership”. By Freddie Whittaker, Schools Week.
'Teachers' dwindling pension rewards will worsen recruitment crisis'
Recruitment and retention
Yvonne Williams, a head of English in the south of England, writes in Tes about the effects of increased employer contributions to teachers' pensions. Tes.
Heads lack confidence to tackle online abuse, poll shows
Child welfare
A poll has revealed only 37% of school leaders and safeguarding leads feel very confident dealing with incidents of online abuse. By Adi Bloom, Tes.
Learning about the world of work motivates pupils to achieve higher GCSE results
Research conducted on behalf of the Education and Employers charity has found pupils who are given careers advice are more motivated to get good grades. By Sean Coughlan, BBC News.
Schools should have one vegetarian day a week, urges Soil Association
General education
In a bid to make school meals more environmentally frendly, the Soil Association is uging the Government to ensure schools have one day a week of plant-based proteins and foods. By Rebecca Smithers, The Guardian.
'We need to be aware of the potential risks with AI in schools'
Omar Al-Farooq, a maths teacher and software engineer, outlines some of the potential problems with the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in schools. Tes.
Schoolchildren should have compulsory measles jab, say experts
Child welfare
Experts have warned that children may need to have compulsory measles vaccinations before starting school to prevent a spread of the disease in the UK. BBC News.
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