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Letters: Contextual admissions
Mike Buchanan, executive director of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses Conference, writes a letter to The Times highlighting the partnership work between independent and state schools to help disadvantaged young people get into the top universities. He argues in favour of contextual admissions but warns "a careful approach is needed".
Letter 1/3 of the way down the page.
International schools to carry out comprehensive checks on UK teachers working overseas
International education
The Council of British International Schools (COBIS) will expect its member schools to carry out comprehensive background checks on UK teachers working overseas, using the International Child Protection Certificate. By Adi Bloom, Tes. The article quotes Colin Bell, chief executive of COBIS.
University to lower A-level offers for disadvantaged pupils
Social mobility
The University of Warwick will lower its A-level offers for pupils from disadvantaged backgrounds, as part of a £10 million social mobility programme. By Will Hazell, Tes.
Teachers exacerbate pupils' exam stress, says Ofsted chief inspector
Mental health
Ofsted’s chief inspector, Amanda Spielman, has said the exam stress felt by primary pupils is exacerbated by teachers, who are “encouraging children to feel anxious”. By Laura FitzPatrick, The Telegraph.
The homework that doesn't require marking
Teaching and learning
Rebecca Foster, a head of English and associate senior leader at Wyvern St Edmund’s Learning Campus, writes about her department's "high value, workload-friendly homework" initiative. Tes.
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