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Daily News Summary
21 June 2019

Ofsted chief warns against "intolerance of different opinions"
Findings suggest teachers want environmental training
International schools 'not benefiting from current education research'
MP calls for pupil sex abuse data to be collected
Former chief schools adjudicator calls for radical change to school admissions
Education secretary calls on social media influencers to help tackle body image issues
Lord Agnew speaks out about school funding

Ofsted chief warns against "intolerance of different opinions"


Speaking at the Festival of Education at Wellington College, Amanda Spielman argued that campaigners and protesters from "single issue groups" have created a "simplistic, polarising" narrative which is stifling debate in schools. By Jamie Johnson, The Telegraph.

The Telegraph

Findings suggest teachers want environmental training


Results from a YouGov survey commissioned by Oxfam show over two thirds of teachers believe more should be done to educate children on the issue of climate change. By Matthew Taylor, The Guardian.

Does your school do anything innovative to teach pupils about climate change? Do you have an example of a project your school has been involved with? If you'd like to write a 400-800 word blog on the subject, please email [email protected]

The Guardian

International schools 'not benefiting from current education research'


Ahmed Hussain, senior director of academics at Wellington College in China, has argued international schools lack the relevant research needed to address classroom issues. By Adi Bloom, Tes. The article features a quote from Fiona Rogers, director of professional development and research at the Council of British International Schools (COBIS).


MP calls for pupil sex abuse data to be collected


Emma Hardy has urged the DfE to implement mandatory, anonymised reporting of peer-on-peer abuse in schools amid fears these incidents are on the rise. By Will Hazell, Tes.


Former chief schools adjudicator calls for radical change to school admissions


Sir Philip Hunter expressed concern that the rise in secondary schools gaining control over their own admissions has made it "easier for schools to select pupils on the basis of their ability and social standing". By Dave Speck, Tes.


Education secretary calls on social media influencers to help tackle body image issues


Speaking out on #StopCyberBullyingDay, Damien Hinds urged social media influencers to use their platforms to promote a healthy body image and transparency surrounding the issue of photo editing. By Sean Coughlan, BBC News.


Lord Agnew speaks out about school funding


Schools minister Lord Agnew highlighted the key areas he believes require extra funding, adding "we need to be showing that we are doing everything we can with the money we receive". Schools Week.

Schools Week


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