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DfE announces ambition to further support children in care through educational opportunities at independent schools
Independent sector
The Department for Education (DfE) has announced a new programme, backed by £500,000, which aims to see more children in care benefitting from educational opportunities at independent schools. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph. The article quotes Barnaby Lenon, chairman of the Independent Schools Council.
Read the ISC's full statement in response here.
ISC blog: How do we inspire girls to study STEM subjects?
ISC blog
Dr John Hind, principal at Dame Allan's Schools, discusses the ways schools can inspire girls to engage with STEM subjects.
Findings show public support for LGBT relationship education in schools
Teaching and learning
Tes reports on findings from a YouGov poll published today, which show 59 per cent of people support LGBT relationship education in schools. Sky News reports LGBT bullying is the most common form of bullying experienced by children in schools.
According to BBC News, Parkfield Community School has confirmed a revised version of the LGBT rights programme will return to the school, following five months of consultation with parents, community representatives and the Department for Education. By Sima Kotecha.
Fleabag creator Phoebe Waller-Bridge defends 'privileged' background
Independent sector
The star of Fleabag, the popular BBC comedy, has said it is unfair to draw upon her social status to criticise her work. She added: "I like to think that whatever life I'd lived, wherever I'd been born or brought up, I would still have written if I had been given the encouragement." By Laura Fitzpatrick, The Telegraph.
Survey findings signal rise in overall student satisfaction at university
Higher education
According to the Office for Students' National Student Survey, 84 per cent of respondents said they were satisfied with the quality of their course - a 1 per cent rise from last year's results. However, the survey also identified lower rates of satisfaction with reference to assessment and feedback. FE News.
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