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Daily News Summary
17 January 2019

Intelligence service sets up all-female cyber skills classes
Century-old vegetarian debate found in school records
Ofsted crackdown on disruption in class caused by mobile phones
Efforts to build children's resilience will be rewarded in school inspections
Mobile phones taken into exams because students "feel anxious without them"
Five hidden hazards to avoid with GCSE exams 2019
Education secretary will lobby for multi-year education fund
Disparities found in DfE opportunity area programme

Intelligence service sets up all-female cyber skills classes


The GCHQ intelligence service is setting up all-female classes in cyber skills, following concern about the lack of female recruits. By Sean Coughlan, BBC News. The article quotes Aisling Brown, curriculum leader at the Stephen Perse Foundation in Cambridge.


Century-old vegetarian debate found in school records


Sedbergh School in Cumbria has uncovered a school debate about vegetarianism, which took place a century ago. By Terri-Ann Williams, Daily Mail. The article quotes Sedbergh's archivist, Katy de la Riviere.

Daily Mail

Ofsted crackdown on disruption in class caused by mobile phones


Ofsted reports will now contain a behaviour category, following a rise in classroom disruption caused by mobile phones. By Eleanor Harding, Daily Mail.

The Times includes a letter from Anna King, headteacher of Notre Dame Senior School, discussing behaviour in class. Letter half-way down the page.

Daily Mail

Efforts to build children's resilience will be rewarded in school inspections


The new draft framework from Ofsted will mark schools' efforts at 'developing children's character, resilience, confidence and independence'. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph.

Do you do anything innovative to build children's resilience? Or, do you work in partnership with a local state school to help children become more confident? If you'd like to write a blog outlining your school's work in this area, please email

The Telegraph

Mobile phones taken into exams because students "feel anxious without them"


Research commissioned by the exams regulator Ofqual has found students are taking mobile phones into exams because they are a "comfort blanket" and prevent feelings of anxiety. By Samuel Osborne, The Independent.

The Independent

Five hidden hazards to avoid with GCSE exams 2019


Gail Nielen, who works with the exam board AQA, details five common pitfalls with GCSE exam preparation and advises teachers how to avoid them. Tes.


Education secretary will lobby for multi-year education fund


Damian Hinds MP, Secretary of State for Education, will make “a very compelling case” to the Treasury for more education funding. By Richard Adams, The Guardian.

The Guardian

Disparities found in DfE opportunity area programme


A Tes investigation has revealed large disparities in the money spent on each opportunity area in England. By Martin George, Tes.



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