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Daily News Summary
6 December 2019

Research suggests disadvantaged children are missing out on exercise
Key findings from the EPI's analysis of the main parties' education policies
'Schools can empower whole communities to unlock their own futures'
ISC blog: PISA results - the importance of promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in schools
'A lack of trust in teachers is holding England's schools back'
Inquiry launched into the quality of teacher training in Scotland
New figures show a rise in English and maths GCSE resits

Research suggests disadvantaged children are missing out on exercise


According to a survey carried out by Sports England, 42 per cent of children from low-income homes do the recommended amount of exercise a day, compared to 54 per cent of children from more affluent families. BBC News.


Key findings from the EPI's analysis of the main parties' education policies


Schools Week highlights six key takeaways from the Education Policy Institute's (EPI) evaluation of the main parties' education pledges, ahead of the general election. By Freddie Whittaker and James Carr.

Schools Week

'Schools can empower whole communities to unlock their own futures'


Melvyn Roffe, principal of George Watson's College, writes in Tes arguing schools can play a key role in empowering their local communities.


ISC blog: PISA results - the importance of promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in schools


Caroline Bond, deputy head (pastoral) of Pangbourne College, argues the most recent PISA data shows the critical importance of pupil wellbeing initiatives.


'A lack of trust in teachers is holding England's schools back'


Andreas Schleicher, founder of the PISA survey, has said teachers' heavy workload, which he attributes to "mistrust of the profession", is 'holding back' England's test scores. By Catherine Lough, Tes.


Inquiry launched into the quality of teacher training in Scotland


A new inquiry by the Scottish Parliament's Education and Skills Committee is to explore whether teacher trainees, or those who have recently qualified, feel prepared enough to enter the profession. By Emma Seith, Tes.


New figures show a rise in English and maths GCSE resits


According to new figures from Ofqual, the number of entries for GCSE English and maths resits has increased by five per cent since last November. By Kate Parker, Tes.



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