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Daily News Summary
3 December 2019

PISA results: UK climbs the international school rankings
Watchdog issues warning over school funding claims in election manifestos
Independent school introduces Hygge lessons
'The benefits of a four-day school week'

PISA results: UK climbs the international school rankings


The UK has made positive progress in international school rankings, with the 2018 PISA results reflecting "modest improvements" in reading, maths and science. By Sean Coughlan, BBC News.

The Times also reports on the findings, linking the improvements in maths results to radical curriculum reforms introduced in 2014. By Rosemary Bennett, The Times.

According to the PISA results, schoolchildren in the UK have reported the biggest declines in life satisfaction since the previous survey carried out in 2015. By Richard Adams and Caelainn Barr, The Guardian.


Watchdog issues warning over school funding claims in election manifestos


The UK Statistics Authority has criticised the Conservative and Labour parties over potentially misleading school funding figures included in their general election manifestos. By Dave Speck, Tes.


Independent school introduces Hygge lessons


Belmont Grosvenor School, an independent school in Yorkshire, has introduced Scandinavian-style Hygge lessons to help promote pupil learning. By Dave Speck, Tes. The article quotes Sophia Ashworth Jones, the school's headmistress.


'The benefits of a four-day school week'


Gordon Cairns, an English teacher in Scotland, writes in Tes in support of proposals to reduce school weeks to four days. He argues "it could actually improve productivity and the health of employees - while reducing our carbon footprint".



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