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'Independent schools cannot be blamed for Brexit'
Independent sector
Writing in Tes, John Edward, director of the Scottish Council of Independent Schools, argues independent schools 'should not be blamed for society's ills'.
New figures reveal property premiums for living near "outstanding" secondary schools
State sector
Research conducted by Trussle, an online mortgage broker, suggests house buyers face an additional cost of £180,000 to live near a state school rated "outstanding". By Grace Henry, Daily Express.
'Part government funding could transform the contribution of UK independent schools'
Independent sector
Writing in IE Today, Mike Buchanan, director of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference, suggests it may be time to consider introducing part government funding for UK independent schools, in line with the Australian education system.
Figures show sustained growth of international schools
International education
According to a report published by ISC Research, the international schools' sector is experiencing sustained global growth, with the number of international schools increasing from 2,584 in 2000 to 10,937 in 2019. By Claudia Civinini, The PIE News.
Teachers raise concerns over school funding proposals
The National Education Union has warned proposals for £3.5 billion in extra school funding "just isn't enough", and raised additional concerns over plans to use "reasonable force" in schools to promote good behaviour. By Will Hazell, iNews.
'Mainstream schools need incentives to provide an education for SEND pupils'
The Local Government Association has called for more to be done to support mainstream schools in delivering a suitable education for children with special needs, amid concerns the sector is unable to meet the needs of SEND pupils. By Eleanor Busby, The Independent.
'Children need to be taught the importance of healthy eating'
Teaching and learning
Prue Leith, chef and presenter of The Great British Bake Off, has said 'teaching children about healthy eating is as important as teaching them English and maths'. By Sarah Finley, Daily Mail.
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