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Daily News Summary
25 April 2019

ISC Blog: Myth-busting: "All independent schools are alike”
Playing sport in exams run up will not harm children’s exam results, HMC study shows
Changing perceptions about independent schools
The challenges facing the independent sector
Girls cite climate change and sexual harassment as their biggest concerns
Under-twos should be banned from all screens, according to the World Health Organisation
Councils accused of placing "hurdles" in the way of parents seeking SEND support

ISC Blog: Myth-busting: "All independent schools are alike”


In the next "myth-busting" blog, Tracey Wilson, the headmistress of St John's Priory School, helps to debunk the idea that “all private schools are alike”.


Playing sport in exams run up will not harm children’s exam results, HMC study shows


Research commissioned by the Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference (HMC) has found that playing sport in the run up to exams will have no negative effects on a teenager's results. By Camilla Turner, The Telegraph. The article quotes David Elstone, head of Hymers College in Hull and chair of HMC’s sports sub-committee.

The Telegraph

Changing perceptions about independent schools


Claire Osborn, vice chair of the Independent Schools Association and head of Braeside and Normanhurst School, writes about the positive contribution independent schools make to lives "within and beyond our school communities". Independent Schools Magazine.

Independent Schools Magazine

The challenges facing the independent sector


Ed Dorrell writes in Tes about the challenges facing the independent sector, arguing 'the sector is losing the battle for hearts and minds among both the ruling classes and the aspirant middle classes'.

The essay can be found in The State of Independence: Key challenges facing private schools today, which is edited by Jane Lunnon and David James.


Girls cite climate change and sexual harassment as their biggest concerns


A consultation by the Girlguiding organisation, has found young women and girls worry most about climate change and sexual harassment. By Amy Walker, The Guardian.

The Guardian

Under-twos should be banned from all screens, according to the World Health Organisation


The World Health Organisation has advised parents to ban children under the age of two from screen time. By Chris Smyth, The Times.

The Times

Councils accused of placing "hurdles" in the way of parents seeking SEND support


The Commons Education Select Committee has been told that councils are placing "hurdles" in front of parents who are seeking support for children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). By Will Hazell, Tes.



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