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School pension contributions to rise by over 40%
General education
Contributions schools pay towards teachers’ pensions will rise by over 40 per cent from September next year, following a valuation of the public service pension schemes by the Treasury. Schools Week.
Do children get too much homework?
General education
Comedian and actor, Rob Delaney, has said children get too much homework and instead should be "frolicking and drawing and playing football". BBC News. Quotes Julian Thomas, head of Wellington College in Berkshire.
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Love of reading linked to higher levels of mental wellbeing
Mental health
A report published today by the National Literacy Trust shows children with a love for reading had the highest levels of mental wellbeing. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.
Labour to pledge free childcare
Education policy
Jeremy Corbyn is expected to pledge an expansion of free childcare at the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool. BBC News.
Study shows children are less fit than they were 16 years ago
Child welfare
Researchers at the University of Essex have found children today are far less fit than they were 16 years ago. By Kat Lay, The Times.
In a separate report by the Office for National Statistics, figures show children are set to live shorter lives than their parents. By Greg Hurst, The Times.
'Are teachers influencing how the next generation of citizens vote?'
Teaching and learning
Tom Harris writes in The Telegraph discussing the political views within the teaching profession, arguing that teachers must remain professional and not influence how their pupils vote.
Four tips for schools on improving their ICT
General education
A survey carried out by the British Educational Suppliers’ Association (Besa) has highlighted four areas where schools could improve their ICT. By Martin George, Tes.
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