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Independent school to launch fundraising campaign to become “truly needs-blind”
Independent sector
The Sunday Times reports on a pledge made by Westminster School to become "truly needs-blind" and open its doors to pupils from all backgrounds. Article quotes Patrick Derham, headmaster of Westminster School, and references Rugby School. By Rosamund Urwin, The Sunday Times.
'Independent junior schools will no longer have to teach pupils about same-sex relationships'
Independent sector
Guidance has revealed that independent junior schools will no longer have to teach pupils about gay marriage, cohabiting couples or same-sex families, according to a report in The Sunday Times. By Sian Griffiths.
Letters: In favour of the common entrance exam
A group of headteachers have written to The Times arguing in favour of the common entrance exam. The signatories include Tom Dawson, headmaster of Sunningdale School; Robert Lankester, headmaster of Maidwell Hall; Simon Barber, headmaster of Ludgrove; Alastair Speers, headmaster of Sandroyd School; David Paterson, headmaster of Woodcote House School; and Henry Knight, headmaster of Belhaven Hill.
Letter just above half-way down the page.
Increase in children's mental health referrals of 26% over five years
Mental health
A report by the Education Policy Institute (EPI) has shown an increase in the number of referrals to children's mental health services in England of 26% over the past five years. By Oliver Newlan, BBC News.
Read EPI's report here.
Maths teacher recruitment issues
General education
A survey has shown there are too few maths teachers joining the profession, with two thirds of schools struggling to recruit. By Nicola Woolcock, The Times.
One third of girls have been sexually harassed while wearing school uniform, data shows
Child welfare
Data from Plan International UK has shown more than a third of girls have received unwanted sexual attention or contact while wearing their school uniform. The Telegraph.
Education Secretary to challenge low number of "white British disadvantaged boys" in higher education
Higher education
Damian Hinds MP, Secretary of State for Education, will launch a £24 million programme to boost standards in the North East, following a call for action to tackle the "low number of 'white British disadvantaged boys' going to university". By Joe Watts, The Independent.
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